Diary With Deena | Helpful Links and Tips for Ramadan 2021

Ramadan Kareem, everyone! I hope that your Ramadan has been amazing so far! If not, that’s ok, we’ve still got plenty of time to make this Ramadan the best one yet inshaAllah.

This will be my second Ramadan as a wife and away from my family, however, I think I am much better equipped this time around (alhamdulilah) as we’ve all gotten pretty used to the situation. I definitely miss spending Ramadan with my family and friends but I know that Allah (swt) has greater plans and that there is still a lot I can do to make Ramadan in Toronto just as special. If you’re like me and spending this Ramadan indoors, then I hope you will benefit from this blogpost inshaAllah! I have filled it with helpful links to the various virtual events going on throughout the month as well as great books to pick up and my favorite Ramadan tips to make this holy month as beneficial as possible inshaAllah.

Side note: I have listed a lot of stuff. But don’t get overwhelmed! You should choose just a few things that you like from this blogpost and aim to be consistent with them until Eid. Plus, you can always come back to this blogpost after Ramadan to watch/read more from this list!

For those of you who are considering wearing hijab during this blessed month, check out my hijab story blogpost! I pray that it benefits anyone who reads it inshaAllah.

Also be sure to check out the YouTube videos I made a while back if you’re looking for Ramadan decor or suhoor ideas! Don’t forget to subscribe :)

Wishing you all a blessed and happy Ramadan! May Allah accept all of our efforts to please Him during this month.

Ramadan Video Series To Keep Up With:

Last Year’s Ramadan Gems In Case You Missed Them:

Ramadan Music That I’ll Be Blasting:

I like to listen to Islamic music/nasheed during Ramadan to get myself into the spirit so here is a short playlist of my favorites on Apple Music! Click the link and check it out!

Amazing Books To Read:

*Didn’t add links to these because there are so many places to get them!*

  • The Clear Quran by Dr. Mustafa Khattab (on sale for only $5!)

  • Reclaim Your Heart by Yasmin Mogahed

  • In the Footsteps of the Prophet: Lessons from the Life of Muhammad by Tariq Ramadan

  • Revelation: The Story of Muhammad by Meraj Mohiuddin

  • Purification of the Heart by Hamza Yusuf

  • Being Muslim: A Practical Guide by Dr. Asad Tarsin

  • Al-Ghazali on Intention, Sincerity and Truthfulness by Abu Hamid al-Ghazali

  • Al-Ghazali on Patience and Thankfulness by Abu Hamid al-Ghazali

  • Divine Sayings: 101 Hadith Qudsi by Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi

  • Muhammad: His Character and Conduct by Adil Salahi

  • In The Early Hours by Khurram Murad

  • Secrets of Divine Love by A. Helwa

  • Muhammad His Character and Beauty by Shaykh Yusuf Nabahani

  • Allah: An Explanation of the Divine Names and Attributes by Ahmad Ibn ‘Ajiba Al-Hasani

  • Prayers of the Pious by Dr. Omar Suleiman

  • Allah Loves by Dr. Omar Suleiman

My Best Tips for the Best Ramadan:

  • Decorate your house if you are able to! It is so much fun and really gets you into the spirit of Ramadan

  • Choose a series or two from the list above and take notes as you watch each day

  • Choose a book or two from the list above and read a few chapters during your free time to better your knowledge and appreciation for our beautiful religion

  • Finish the Qur’an by Eid by reading a juz’ (about 20 pages) each day. The easiest way is to read 4 pages after each of the 5 daily prayers!

  • Read the English translation of the Qur’an along with the Arabic to understand the Qur’an better (I really love this version)

  • Each day, choose one verse from that day’s juz’ as well as 3-4 of the 99 names of Allah (swt) and write down your reflections on them and how you can implement them into your life

  • Write out all the duaa you plan to make throughout the month, especially during the night and the moments before iftar

  • Watch Qur’an tafsir videos and take notes (Dr. Yasir Qadhi’s is great)

  • Learn some new surahs to recite during your daily prayers

  • Try new recipes for iftar and suhoor (check out my suhoor blogpost for my favorite easy recipes)

  • Keep in touch with family and friends, especially those who may be spending this Ramadan alone

My last tip is to follow a bunch of scholars/imams/sheikhs on social media and subscribe to their YouTube channels for all kinds of webinars and series. Most of them update regularly and have a lot going on this month so be sure to check them out!

Please leave me a comment if you tried anything from this list and share your ideas with me as well!

May Allah accept Ramadan from us all!

Ramadan Mubarak!


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