Wishlist Wednesday: 5 Of My Favorite Palestinian Brands

Welcome back to the blog! If you follow me on Instagram (@dresswithdeena), you’ve probably seen my #WishlistWednesday series. I haven’t done one in a while, and frankly, I just haven’t felt like posting anything creative at all lately. There is so much injustice being witnessed in Palestine right now and I have been finding it very difficult to talk about much else. It has been weeks of this emotional rollercoaster and there is no end in sight as Gaza continues to be bombed randomly and innocent people in towns like Sheikh Jarrah, Silwan, Beita and Lifta are being forced out of their homes to make way for settlers. It is times like this when I feel like my voice is worthless. I’m doing what I can by speaking up on Instagram, but I wanted a way to put my creative side to good use too. So, I thought I’d do a different kind of #WishlistWednesday for the next few weeks on both my blog and my Instagram by sharing my wishlists from 5 of my favorite Palestinian brands to help support Palestinian-owned businesses. These brands are amazing; I have been shopping from them for several years and I can honestly say the quality is unbeatable and the owners are all incredible people. Happy shopping!

Canava Handmade

This brand is one of my favorites, not only because the owners are Palestinian and from Gaza, but also because they’re 3 gorgeous sisters. They make and sell stunning handbags, jigsaw puzzles and satin scarves. They have a way of bringing to their products the beauty and sophistication that Palestinian women have always had. Be sure to follow them on Instagram to stay up to date on their latest drops; they sell out so quick! They even have an incredible artist joining their platform soon. I have the Nard Clutch (not in stock anymore), the Subhiya Jigsaw Puzzle, and their Turath Satin Scarf and I am obsessed with all of them! Below are the items I have and love that are still in stock, as well as the items that are currently on my wishlist! The images are linked so go ahead and click the ones you like to add to your own wishlist!

Dār Collective

I have been a fan of Subhi Taha’s content since his very first YouTube video. He has been very outspoken when it comes to Palestine, so you should definitely follow him on Instagram. This brand that he has created is not only incredibly cool, but also so innovative. I love that his designs make you feel nostalgic for a life in Palestine that you never even had. He also currently has a travel series with designs for several Arab and South Asian countries as well as a whole Pakistan series. All the products are very reasonably priced and the quality is great! I have the ‘Palestine in Spring’ Sweater and I love it. I also have some long sleeve tee shirts coming in the mail as I write this and I am so excited to have them. Linked below are the items I have and other items that are currently on my wishlist that should be on yours as well!


If you haven’t heard of PaliRoots, you might be living under a rock. They are one of the most successful Palestine brands out there, mashaAllah. The owners are a Palestinian brother and sister from California. They have so many products that you will all love; I have been buying and loving their products since I was in high school! PaliRoots shares a great deal of information about Palestine on their website and Instagram, so I suggest you follow them if you don’t already! They also donate a TON to Palestinians in need. In fact, for every order placed, they donate a meals to children in Gaza, mashaAllah! So you should definitely feel good about buying from them. Their kufiyas are especially incredible because they are made in the last standing kufiya factory in Palestine located in the historic city of Al-Khalil (Hebron), where my family is originally from! I have 3 or 4 of them already and I still want more; the quality is superb. I think you know how this works by now, click on whatever items you like and let your wishlist grow. Keep in mind they are currently sold out of all their products but you can still pre-order whatever you like for shipping between June 30th and July 10th.


Kuvrd is a stunning Palestinian-owned streetwear brand based in Canada. Their keffiyeh products are some of the most unique I’ve ever seen! If you read my henna blogpost, you might’ve noticed my friends wearing Kuvrd’s keffiyeh vests during their debka performance. The vest is such amazing quality and can be worn with anything; I hope they’ll be back in stock soon! They have so many other products that are on my wishlist right now including a freaking keffiyeh bucket hat!! Check out what else I have linked below. If you’re a new customer, you can enter your name and email to take a chance on the discount wheel for some really good discounts. Kuvrd is also awesome because they give back; they distribute meal baskets to families in need via Human Concern International. For every $10 you spend, they give a meal to someone in need. Over the years they have distributed over 25,000 meals to various refugee camps in the Middle East, mashaAllah! Currently, they are distributing meals to refugee camps in the Gaza Strip. I highly recommend this store and I urge you to support them! Follow them on Instagram as well for lots of information about what’s happening in Palestine right now.


They had me at ‘Catfiyyeh’! Are you kidding me?! That is too cute. Watan is a lovely store with so many unique products. They had me adding products from every category into my wishlist! I especially love that their website has so many resources for learning about Palestine. They even have a library with so many excellent books that will broaden your knowledge on Palestine. Definitely worth checking out! I also love that they have so many traditional Khalili designs (products made in/inspired by traditional designs from Al-Khalil). My family was forced into Gaza in 1948, but they were native to Al-Khalil before that, so seeing so many designs from the historic city that I’ll probably never be allowed to visit means a lot to me. I’ve got so many things on my wishlist, so please take a look! I can’t say enough good things about Watan!

I hope you all enjoyed this blogpost! Please continue to support amazing Palestinian brands like these and of course, keep talking about Palestine! Our voices are so important, now more than ever. Learn what you can, share what you learn, and boycott Israeli products and brands that support Israel. Lastly, let me know if you end up buying any of the products I recommended! This post took a lot of time to put together and I am continuing to update it with more products and information so I hope it helps you and I hope that you’ll tell me if it did.

Thank you for reading and don’t forget to share!



Diary With Deena | Helpful Links and Tips for Ramadan 2021