Diary With Deena | Why I Haven’t Posted Anything Lately

Hello Gals! I hope that you’re all doing well.

I decided to take a little break from posting on my blog and Instagram the last few weeks in order to show my support for the content that really matters. I really wanted to spend my time focusing on what is happening in regards to the Black Lives Matter movement as well as posting resources on my personal Instagram that I thought would help spread awareness. I did my best to learn, send emails, follow Black owned businesses and creators, and of course, sign petitions. I believe it is imperative that we help our Black brothers and sisters in their constant fight against racism and injustice and I hope that you all feel the same. 

I am also praying for our brothers and sisters in Yemen who are currently suffering the biggest humanitarian crisis. Please read up on the situation if you don’t know about it and donate if you can. They have truly been hit the hardest with cholera, coronavirus, famine and war. May Allah protect them.

I also recommend educating yourself on what is currently happening in Palestine with the Israeli Prime Minister’s plans to annex over 30% of the West Bank. Annexation is illegal under international law and yet it is happening because Israel has always had the full support of the Trump administration. Also, the world’s focus is currently on the pandemic which makes it easy for the Israeli government to do this while much of everyone’s attention is elsewhere. Major Palestinian cities will be split up into extremely small enclaves and surrounded by several walls and checkpoints. Also, the Palestinians who live there will not be granted Israeli citizenship. You can read more about the situation here. Please do what you can to spread awareness and sign this petition!

While all of those things are super important, another reason I haven’t posted anything lately is because I have been having an extremely hard time having not seen my family in almost 4 months. If you don’t already know, the Canada-US border has been closed to non-essential travel since March due to the pandemic. The government continues to extend the travel ban each month and it’s really unclear when the border will be open again. This is the longest I’ve ever gone without seeing my family and it has really taken a toll on my well-being. I have been doing what I can to take my mind off of it but some days it’s just too hard to not miss being with them so much. It also doesn’t help that so many places here in Toronto have still been pretty much shut down. However, I am still so grateful for the time I am getting to spend with my husband and for the parks that have opened up so that we can get some fresh air when we need it.

I am praying that you’re all doing well during this time. If you’re staying with your family, I sincerely hope you’re holding them tight and cherishing each day you have together.

Alhamdulilah for everything, always. Please keep me in your duaa.

May Allah shower His Light upon us all during these difficult times.


Diary With Deena | Reminiscing About My Palestinian Henna Party